Sunday, July 20, 2008

Topsie Turvey

Okay life has been kind of busy and depressing for me, but after a good talking from my mother I am back on track.

So last week I started bleeding pretty bad. So the doctor told me to come in so he could take a look. So when I went in they found out the my uterus lining is REALLY THICK. He ran some test and we still do not know why, but it is not normal and not bad but not good for those trying to get pregnant. Anyways, I have to take medicine this week that is going to start a heavy heavy bleed to shed the entire lining and then I start clomid again. So that is good news. I do not have to wait an entire month to start again.

Then the apartment that we stayed at while our house was being built is trying to say we owe them $500 over incidentals when we only lived there 5 months. We are seeing a lawyer over it but it is such a burden. So last week I was in kind of in a funk. I think I surprised my dad when he asked me how my day was I busted out in tears. That is so not like me. I think it is the hormones and everything that was going on. I felt a lot better afterwards.

Anyways, I am sick of talking about depressing news. This week has been good. I went and checked out like a million books from the library to read. I love to read. Then Milton and I just stayed in this weekend. I love that!!! We watched movies, baked cookies, and tonight Milton is going to grill. I love when he drills!!! So ummmm.....what other good news to I have...Hmmm...Can't think of anything. I am grateful for my relaxing weekend, my wonderful husband, caring family, and Heavenly Father.


Vanessa said...

sounds like you had a great weekend! have you read any great books lately? i need a good read! something i can get lost in! haven't done that in so long, I miss it! but something i can finish before school starts...cause then it all just gets crazy! :) how's milton's work load going? it seems like he's home quite a bit....that's nice. We are in the middle of changing careers over here...its nuts. Making me think maybe I'll hold off on school. Just online classes for now. Hope you have a great weekend! we're celebrating pioneer day fun.

Vanessa said...

I was kinda worried at first to meet you all...knowing that you were on Jacob's side and knowing that you had dated for so long... I was nervous! And didn't have any makeup on- plus the long car drive...I was definitely nervous. But you and your fam are halarious and so welcoming. I felt right at home (except for the whole hot and yucky weather factor).

i've never really been the jealous type. in fact, i think polygomy might be right on track. i would love to have women around to help out, and then we both would get "relations" as much as we both needed. :) but then I see him with other girls in pictures and twinges come. who knows...

we are having a busy weekend, and with little ones, naps always give breaks in the busy day. anyways- hope you have a great weekend too!