Monday, August 4, 2008

Blessing in disguise

So this past Friday, my mom drove the grueling 7 hrs to come to see me. I was so excited!! It was the best early birthday present. However, a few hours after my mom arrived, we were in the emergency room. It is a long story that I really do not want to go in. My mom was in so much pain that she was forced on bedrest. She was also forced to stay longer than expected, because of the pain. I felt bad she was in so much pain, but I was grateful that I got to see her longer. I have had so much fun having her all to myself, and I do not want her to go. I hate it when she leaves and it takes forever for me to get over it.

She also gave me another great gift. She wrote the best blog, all about ME!! I was so surprised because I woke up from a nap, and she asked me to read her blog. I was crying so hard. It was so great to hear such wonderful things about me. I know that sounds prideful, but it literally brought me to tears being able to read someone's love for me. You can read it at and make sure you have your volume up.

Milton also surprised. We are pretty limited in what we can do because my mom is on bed rest. So we ordered pizza, which I love. Milton surprised me with cake and ice cream and three presents. He got me my favorite candy and a computer game that I have been wanting. I was so surprised. I am so grateful to have such wonderful people in my life, that take time out of there day to let me know how special they think I am. I have more celebrations tomorrow so I will post pictures soon!!!

On to fertility matters, (because I like to keep people updated) So, last week I started Provera to bring on a heavy cycle, to get rid of my uterus lining. The doctor told me it was going to be bad. I just I did not realize how bad. I won't go into to details because, that is just gross, but I will tell you that everything on my body that can hurt this week, has hurt. Also it feels like 300 lb. man has been sitting on my lap all week. I am back on the Clomid and I see the doctor Saturday. So I will update you when I know more.

1 comment:

Vanessa said...

hey girl...AHH! i hope your mom is feeling better. and i will go and read her words about you! that's both (despite your hurtings and pain) must be having so much fun together! you both crack me up! i hope the "sluffing" of the liner worked! jake and i think you and milton will have such cute babies...can't wait!!