Friday, July 11, 2008

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

I will have to get to the good a little bit will not make sense without the bad.

The BAD: Okay so I went to the doctor on Monday. They measured my dominant follicle. The follicle measure 11mm, which is good for the cycle day I was on. So they told me to come back on Friday cycle day 14. So I went in this morning and they measure the follicle again and again it was 11 mm. Which is not good! My follicle should be at 22 mm considering that I should be ovaluting today or this weekend. So I will bring in the good a little later.

The Ugly: This can feel like I am failing a test. I am such a perfectionist. But I can not study for this or whip my eggs into shape. All this is on me or at least I feel that way. So every month that comes up with no pregnancy I feel a little bit like a failure. I know what everyone is saying..don't think that can not take the blame. No matter what you say...this is the way I feel. This is the ugly...Infertility. If it was pretty everyone would want it.

The Good: Okay, ya'll can stop biting your nails. So as I am laying there on the table, as the nurse is telling me all of this. So I ask her is this it... no babies for this month. However, is says that no we can wait one more week. Sometimes, women ovulate later than others. So they told me to wait one more week come back next Friday and see how the follicle measures up. Everyone keeps telling me I am disappointed or upset. I'm not. I actually okay with it. This is the reason...this is our first month of trying something. It is not our last nor is it our last option. If is was our last....then I would be a blubbery mess. There is still a chance. So even if Friday turns out to be a bust, we still have time and options..


Taber & Rebecca said...

So, I just wanted to wish you luck! I don't know if that is particularly appropriate or not, but I'll be praying for you. love ya

Vanessa said...

this is true! we tried with chase for a couple of months (missing the ovulation time each time) because i don't ovulate i guess until the 17-23 days. cause i have 6 week periods. hope that's not t.m.i. And girl you feel however the heck you want to feel! you are one brave woman! i was a mess after 2 months and felt like a failure! you're amazing!

Ally said...

hey! I am glad you found me..good luck with everything! I hope you have good news soon.:)