Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Pajama night

February 2013

The girls' school sponsored story night where the teacher acted out bedtime stories and the kids were able to wear the pajamas to school. Thanks goodness Grandma and Grandpa Matthews got us cute pajamas for Christmas!   The teachers did a great job and the kids loved wearing their pajamas to school. I told them when they get in college everyone wears their pajamas to school. They thought I was kidding.

Beauty night

February 2013

I love having girls!! It is so much fun, especially when you get to do stuff like beauty night. The thing that made me laugh out loud was when Tesi requested cucumbers for her eyes.  Where does she get this stuff? I have never done it but I loved that she already knew about cucumbers for her eyes.

man this face mask really worked!

Lovey Dovey

February 2013

Tesi and Millie both decided they wanted to try something new this month. They had been playing soccer for months and wanted to do something girly. So we enrolled Tesi in ballet. I was actually surprised that she was such a natural.  She is so graceful and it is actually beautiful to watch.  Millie took to gymnastics like a fish takes to water.  She is the most flexible person I know and if all else fails she can be a human contortionist when she grows up.  My mom had shirts made for the girls that said sweetie pie and then matching headbands with their names bejeweled on them.  The girls were thrilled as they like anything that blings.  Reeve got a cool basketball sporty outfit and was happy.  I dont know if I got a picture of him in it but he is so cute.  He also started soccer. He begged me, so I finally signed him up. Well at this age it is really not soccer, more like herd ball.  Half way through the season I finally realized he was only going for the snack.  The whole practice and game he would ask when was snack.  In all the games, we would find a friend on the opposite team and hold hands and run around with him. At one point he ran up to the coach for the other team and kissed his hand and ran off.  Then he would also go around the field following the coaches and try to have conversations with them. It was cute but we decided we would hold off on sports for him until he is a little older.  Soccer for Reeve was snack and social hour. LOL!

This was millie's first day. See how flexible she is?

Miltons birthday was in February. He did not really want a big party or anything but we still threw a party for him with just us.  Reeve picked the theme.  Thanks goodness I have a ton of pirate stuff because I have a certain little boy that loves pirates

We also ended a 40 day fast with our church. At the end we had a Samoan Luau.  I was excited and grateful that the girls were able to participate in their culture. We spent the day cooking Samoan food and they even got to wear a puletasi to the event and learn to dance.  It was a good memory and lots of fun. 

Valentine teachers gifts this year. 

Grandma was able to come to the parties.  

Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Randomness of Januaryness

Yeah I just made that title up.  I could not think of anything else. I thought I would just put some picture up from January.  Nothing spectacular but still just as fun.  We celebrated Reeve's birthday officially when we got back from Utah. he was not feeling the best as he was battling strep throat for the second time in like 2 weeks.  We still had a good time and even when he is not feeling well he keeps a smile on his face.

The girls have always begged me for high heels. I have always said no because I wanted them to wait until they were older.  They bought these with their own money that they saved and they can only use them for dress up

my little shop til your drops

Tesi trying ballet for the first time. She actually is quite graceful

This little one just stayed sick in January. She would cough so hard that she would vomit. It was the worse thing to witness and there was nothing I could do for her.

It snowed!! Only stuck around for a few hours but still fun to stomp around in for a little bit

I see this quite often in my house.  

He talked me into going outside with him and taking a picture. Don't I look pretty?

Why do I have a picture of a my dog in a diaper.  This was her last "ahem" period.  We finally decided not to let her have a litter and got her fixed. She is much happier

Experiencing the new Perot museum. You take this escalator 4 stories up. 

Feeling what it feels like to be a bird

I'm a bird!

Momma and her little birds!