Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Life has been crazy! First off I cooked my first meatloaf. It is not that I do not know how to cook. I am a good cook, but I have never had a desire to cook one. I did it with turkey ground beef. I was a nervous about it, but it turned out great. Well at least that was what I was told. Then my brother-in-law Thomas and his wife Rosemarie came with their new baby, who is gorgeous. What a doll. We cooked alot, watched movies, played with the baby, ate ourselves silly, learn Samoan dancing with a little bit Tahitian, stayed up late, and all-in-all had a blast. So Rosemarie and me decided to get pedicures. While we are there, Rosemarie is like let's get our eyebrows down. Well, I have never had my eyebrows done. I have always liked mine a little thicker, but I decided to throw caution to the wind and get them done. I wish I had a camera when my husband saw me. He just asked what happened? The whole way home he stared at me. When we got home he told me that I constantly looked surprise and why did I get them so thin? They are bad. They look great. He is just never seen them like this.

So this is my eyebrows before

This is the after. They are not that bad. Tell him

I could not help but post this picture. Look at her eyes. Aren't they hilarious?

She is only four months and look at that hair. Estella with her favorite uncle

And then we ended the week by throwing rosemarie a quick surprise party.


Lisa said...

The first picture of Stella,she looks like she is saying,"can you believe these eyebrows?" The second picture with Milton she looks like she is saying,"I'm pretending to laugh, but mom quick get me away from this freak." She is so beautiful. I could just eat her up. I wish I was there to hold her.

Vanessa said...

Your eyebrows are NOT bad! At first, I couldn't really even tell the difference...but then- just a little! gorgeous girl! and that baby girl is adorable! you are going to be such an amazing mommy! so full of love and fun! have a great week!!

Vanessa said...

OH- and that meatloaf looks SO yummy! that is yours right? looks like it came out of a magazine!

Lisa said...

I changed my mind. On Estella's first picture with you, she looks like she is saying, "look mom, don't my eyebrows look like Aunt Amanda's?"

Lisa said...

Ok. I changed my mom on the one where she is with Milton also. She looks like she is saying,"This is cool mom! Where can I get me one of these to take home?"