Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Keep your hands, fingers, legs, toes, ears, eyes,....

and anything that crosses, crossed. So today I went to the doctor to have my follicles looked at. So they couldn't find any! I was kind of worried because on Saturday there was three. However, after closer look they found some fluid, which means that I have probably all ready ovulated or I am about too. Which is great news. However, I can not get my hopes up too much. They did blood work to see if I am. I find out tomorrow. Until then, I have been given doctors orders to do the deed just in case I am stil ovulating. I am SOOOOOO excited. I am trying not to be because if it comes back that I am not ovulating, this month is probably a bust because they could not find any follicles.

So I am begging everyone that reads this to send the message to everyone they know....please, please, please pray that I have ovulated and I can get theses eggs ovulated.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I better get a phone call as soon as you hear something!!! For Pete's make ME nervous! I am at peace about it all, trusting in God. Then you post a blog like this, and you make my stomach go in my throat. Calm down already!! Poor kid will be born with an anxiety disorder!! She will have to be on valium by the time she is five. LOLOL