Sunday, May 11, 2008

Word To Your Mother

Today is a very unique day. Today everybody in the world has something in commong. Whether we like them or not, we ALL have mothers. There is no way to be here if we did not. Not everyone is a mother, but we all have one. As a wise person pointed out to me, I am lucky to still have mine in my life and I am lucky to have such a great mother. So I decided to blog about the impact she has had on my life.

1. My mother has made me independent. Because of her, I know that I am the only one who can make me happy. She has taught me to never depend on anyone for my happiness. Go after the things that I want.

2. To always make sure that I develop a relationship with my Heavenly Father. She is constantly in her scriptures and seeking after things that are good. Not a time goes by when she is giving me advice that she does not tell me about a scripture she read. I aspire to be like that.

3. Gratitude. My mom has helped me develop a deep sense of gratitude. Often when I want to look at the things that I lack, she is quick to remind of my abundance of blessings. She has also taugt me to appreciate the little things in life.

4. I am well-rounded person because of her. I love old movies, old music, modern movies, modern music, plays. I can get along with almost anyone and find something in common with them. She has always been fascinated by others culture and stories.

5. Always put family first. They are the only ones that will always look past your warts and only see true beauty.

6. She has taught me to laugh at myself. Never to take myself to serious. Never take life too seriously. Always seek after the good.

7. It is okay to have yourself a good cry. It is good for the soul.

8. I know how to organize and clean a house, but I also know how to ignore that stuff and go have a good time. Housework will always be there. Memories are important to make.

9. Birthdays are a very special day. I know how to make someones day special. My mom always and still does it for us.

10. My mom is the best nurse I know, not just professionally. When I was sick, she always knew how to make me feel better.

11. I know how to make great memories. My mom has made great memories. I had a great childhood with lost of fun.

I could keep going but what I am trying to say....I am a very lucky girl to have such a great mom. So here is to you mom. Your hard work does not go unnoticed. I love you so much mom.


Vanessa said...

Amanda, this is such a cute blog! congrats on starting one! I think they are super fun...kinda addicting when you start playing with templates and changing things! But all together, it gives us something that we can do that doesn't have to be redone all the time (laundry, cleaning, etc.). Anyways- I love the list about your mom...she is great.

Anonymous said...

She also introduced the "special plates" into my world - and boy have I had a lot of meals on those plates! Thanks so much!!!