Thursday, November 29, 2012

Rocky Mountain High

because of fun, not because of the other stuff. I am always playing catch up.  I guess I am okay with that because that means I am at least trying to experience life rather than write about it.  In June we went to Colorado.  My family owns a cabin up there and it was the first time taking the kids.  It was also Ashley's husband first time there.  We celebrate Tesi's birthday, went white water rafting, had a treasure hunt for gold, bonfire with games, talent show with spontaneous dance party, razor riding, and so so much more.  I never get bored at the cabin.  There is just too much nature to soak up.  You can never see it all and every time you go there is something new to explore.  It is my mom's heaven earth. I love it too.  I have so great memories up there and we try to go at least every 2 years.  It is one of those places that you feel is too scared to share but too beautiful not to show it to everyone.  I think I like it best because are places that seemed so untouched, like you are the first to discover it or see it besides Heavenly Father.  As always I will leave you with some pictures of our trip.  We took 2 days to drive out there so we could stay at some cool places and stop and see some cool places. I wanted the kids to have a genuine road trip complete with cool souvenir shops and long drives.  We stayed a week and all my family was there.  Sometimes is so hard for all of us to get together. It always seems like one person is missing. Even with drama (my family can not live without drama), none of which I caused, it was a great memory and great trip.

Our little tourist on the way out to Colorado

 We always stop here at Clines Corner. It has the best souvenirs 

family tradition of stopping

We decided to take Tesi White Water Rafting with us.  She loved it and did great!

My brother made the girls a rope swing. Oh to be that young and care free again 

One of my favorite pictures of tesi! This is when we first arrived

He looks like he is trying to find trouble! LOL!

 my brother going out in the Razor. Why does he always look like he stepped out of a magazine. 

I had many many strapping young men helping me and my brood out.  This one saved the little ones life when he caught her while my husband was trying to pass her to him. I think I have 5 years taken off of my life

Hiking to naked lady falls

 The family at naked lady falls
hiking around the cabin

Me and my bald love! LOL!

Reeve was too hard to take on some of the hikes and keep him alive. LOL! We decided it was best for him to stay behind

a cave!! and a family secret hideout

experience snow water for the first time.  They did not last long

running out of snow water


me and my babies

 taking millie on her first razor ride.  He drives so gentle with the girls. I trusted him out of everyone to take them. Sorry folks....I am still a new momma

Tesi and me up at the Gold mine. Ignore the outfit. When you are up at the cabin you have to dress in layers.  It can go from cold to burrrrr

 Showing the kids the bear marking next to the cabin.  This is how a bear marks it territory or something like that. I was not paying attention. Too busy taking pictures
 beginning of the treasure hunt. We found a map in the old school house stairs! 
 Someone is serious about this treasure hunting
 discussing strategies on treasure hunting
 There is gold in those hills!
 Setting up for tesi's surprise party at the cabin
looking for rocks with sparkles to crack open to see if we can find something special

 riding down from one of the scariest rides of my life. We found this unexplored trail.  Let's just say I know now why most people do not go up it. Not only is it incredible steep and we kept slipping in the razor and 4 wheeler, it is so quiet it is eerie. 

 I hope there is not a bear!

Me and my main squeeze going for a ride

 getting ready for the bonfire 

 one of their favorite things to! 
 sorry chad I had to get one bad picture of you.  You look like you came our of a GQ wilderness magazine
 spinning stories

 sunbathing on the cabin porch
seeing how far we can go up the mountain and not die

I'm a tree

feeing humming birds from our hands

This is picture sums up what it feels like to be at the cabin. Sorry for the picture overload but this blog serves as a place of memories. Pictures are wonderful ways to capture some of those memories


Polly said...

Hi Amanda. My name is Polly. I've been following you and your mom for quite some time. For months I have prayed for you and your family. Your mom updated me months ago and then her blog vanished! I've continued to pray for you and your family as my husband and I have gone through some of the same struggles you and your husband have experienced. I hope it is ok that I continue to follow you as I've come across your blog all these months later. I'm very tearful reading through your updates as I've been shown the power of prayer!!!!!!!!!! Your family of 2 now your family of 5. God is good all the time. Much love from Kansas. - Polly

Sharon said...

I loved every single picture. Thanks for sharing!

Lisa said...


Lisa said...

A day in the life of the kids....

Lisa said...

They are having the life that they deserve!! Old rope swings, treasure hunts for lost prospectors gold, bun-jee jumping, razor rides, throwing rocks in creeks, mountain hikes, ski lifts, mountains, rivers, oceans, parks, bonfires, smores, picking wild flowers, watching humming birds....water parks, zoos, skiing...plane rides, train rides, on and on...THEY DESERVE IT ALL!