Tuesday, September 4, 2012

I Scream! You Scream! We all Scream for Disney!

I have some amazing people in my life!  I have amazing people that surround me.  Really I could have a whole blog dedicated to the people in my life.  So one day I put on facebook was there any cheap or discounts to go to disney.  My girls spring break was coming up and we were going to be in Baton Rouge for the week. I thought why not hop, skip, jump over to Disney.  Well some amazing people....(Shout to you cousin and Aunt, I dont know if you want people to know who you are) called me up and told me they booked a couple nights at a Disney resort and enjoy.  Well enjoyed we did!  It was a dream come true and I might have got a little misty-eyed when my girls were jumping up and down when they saw the princesses in the parade.  It is a memory I hold close to my heart and will one that visit over and over again. Here are a few pictures. 

1 comment:

misti said...

So fun, Amanda! Every kid should get to squeal when the princesses arrive!