Friday, September 25, 2009

Nothing like a little romance

I love to read. Unfortunately what I love to read is nothing that is life changing. It is nothing to form a book club around or debate or anything close. I strictly love the mushy dare I say a little bit on the smut side romance novels. I love them and devour them. I am not ashamed to say that. In my line of work, I deal with the life changing, gut wrenching, and hard to comprehend every day. I don't want to read about too. So that is why I read romance novels. A little mystery always with a good ending.

The only thing bad about romance novels is it can create unrealistic expectation of men. If you have read Twilight, you know what I mean! So, yesterday I went to the library to get a few bodice rippers (literary reference meaning romance novels) to start reading. I had not read in some time because I have been busy with other things and was craving a good book.

Last night after a nice long relaxing bath, I settled on the couch in the living room to start reading my book. As I am getting into my book and reading about the handsome leading man, I see out of the corner of my eye, my hubby get up walk over toward me, move the lamp closer to me, and give me a kiss on my mouth. He looks at me and says " I just want to make sure you have enough light to read," and then sits back down.

Talk about romance!!! Now you know why I love this man!


Lisa said...

Does my daughter know how to pick 'em or what?! I love Milton!! You take better care of Amanda, than I did as a mom! Good job!

Phil and Cami said...

Best. Husband. Ever.
I love it!

Mary Martha said...

Yall are cute! Thanks for the info. It looks like yall are continuing to do well and madly in love. happy to see...

Justin, Kelli, Estin & Eli said...

Milton has always been really sweet. You guys are great together!