Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I love Surprises!!!

So Saturday night I am sitting on my throne in the living room, when prince charming ask me if I have checked the mail. Well I had not checked the mail that day because it was pouring down raining. It is very unusually that I have not checked the mail because it is one of my favorite things to do. So since the rain had finally stopped for a while, my hubby ran out to the mail box and got the mail.

As he came through the door I hear him saying "Baby what is this brown box?" That is when I look up and see this.....

Okay it did not exactly look like that. I had started opening it at this point. I get really excited when there is a package for me, especially a surprise one. I then realize it is from my mom. So before I let myself get excited I think "Did I ask her to send me anything...Did I forget something at her house?" Sometimes when I visit my mom's house and I forget something important she will mail it to me.

Since I can not think of anything, I excitedly start ripping through the paper and package....

to find THESE!!!!!

My mom makes these coasters and sells them. They are my favorite coasters that I have ever seen and I have been meaning to ask her to make them because we just got new furniture for our living room. I thought I was going to have to buy coasters that I really did not love as much as these until I went down there to make some.

So imagine my surprise when my loving mother remembered and sent them to me. I love the fact that she did not tell me because the surprise was totally great!! It is things like this that make life wonderful!!

So if ya'll love these coasters as much as I do, my mom sells them for $25 for 4. You can email her at or visit her blog at They are completely worth it and are beautiful!!!

Thanks mom for being the wonderful and loving mother you have always been. Thanks for taking time out of your busy day to stop and think of me. It makes me feel really special.


Lisa said...

Oooo! They look good on that new furniture!! They have an old world feel to them don't they? It was hard not to tell you about them. Now that I see how excited you got, I just might have to keep sending you a package every once in awhile! Although, I should have known this, as you are the funnest person to watch open a present, or take somewhere new. You get as excited as a kid at Christmas!

T & E's Blog said...

Yay!! They're beautiful!! Great addition to your new home!!