Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I've Been Thinking

Okay, I am laying in bed here tonight with something on my mind. One of my sisters friends asked or told her..."How does Milton take it when Amanda jokes about hitting on other men?" At first I thought it was funny...Really funny!! But then I started pondering on it. I had just met this particular friend of my sisters and had joked in passing about Hitting on another man. Every laughed (including my husband) and then we moved on. So when my sister told me this, like I said I did not think anything at first, but then it started to bother me. Now the fact that they made this comment did not bother me. I am not made at them in any way. If anything I am grateful because it made me stop and think. No the thing that bothered me was that I could convey something like that even though I was completely joking. I love to laugh. I can laugh at almost anything and I am constantly joking around. But this made me think or realize, that there are somethings you should not joke about especially meeting a new person for the first time. It made me sad that I gave my first impression as someone who is a fluzy or that I smeared the love I have for my husband.

Alot of times, I do not blog about my undying love for my husband. I know some people long for companionship and I do not want to rub it in there face of how wonderfully over the moon in love I am for the man that I share and enjoy my life with. It is kind of like how I long for a baby or child. I am happy for people who can have babies and as a general rule I can talk about pregnancies and babies and so on. However, there are times I just can not read another blog or facebook post or email or message board about someone being pregnant. So I applied this rule to my blog and how over the top I am in love with my husband.

Now if you were to meet my husband and I. We are not one of these couples that make you want to loose your lunch because we can not keep our hands off eachother. We prefer to do that in private. However, you will always find us touching in some way. Milton always make sure he is holding my hand or touching the small of my back. Our conversations are always full with I love you's and I am so grateful we are together. We never take for granted how lucky we are to find such a wonderful eternal companion that we enjoy spending time with. Since quitting my job, we have some much fun everyday together. I enjoy the rymthm of waking up and puttering around the house and talking until Milton has to leave. Sometime through out the day, Milton walks up behind me, puts his arms around me, and thanks me for all I do.

The thing I honestly wished I could convey to this person or give him the slighest preview, is how totally and completely I am dedicated to my husband. I do not even notice other men. If we are some place and he walks in, I completely loose focus and zoom in on him. Every morning I wake up to sun shining on me and all around me. That is the way I feel with Milton. I feel his love all around me and shining on me. I am so grateful for marriage, especially eternal marriage. Tonight we went to bed. We have a routine. We come in the room, shut the door, and lay on the bed. Milton always says "let's do scripture study." Milton will read something or I will and then we will discuss it which usually winds up with us talking. The usual scene is me laying on his stomach or chest and him casually rubbing my back or my arms. Then we will say our family prayers. After that, even though we say we need to go to bed, we always talk way later than we should. Tonight when we came to bed. I apolygized to Milton. I told him that I am so sad that I made someone think for even a second that I would even hit on another man or question my love for him. My husband being like he always is ...Kissed me very gently and said " Who cares what he thinks, I thought your joke was very funny!" Thanks for alway laughing at my jokes, Milton. Thanks for letting me be me!!!


misti said...

You have the sweetest heart Amanda! You and your man make a gorgeous couple...and by the sound of it, you'll be happy forever :) And I'm with him, WHO CARES what other people think! Just be your funny old self! That is one thing I remember about you from high school, you were always laughing and kidding! It makes you very likeable!

Lisa said...

What's the problem? Some men are hot and just have to be looked at. However, everyone knows that it is only unacceptable for a married man to look at anther woman. As appreciators of beauty all around us, it is our DUTY to notice other men! This person needs to get information correct. What's next, putting icing on eggs? There ia a natural order of things people!

Phil and Cami said...

Amanda, you are so sweet. You are lucky to have the relationship you have with your husband and I am glad you share that with us. I love to read all the things you say about your husband. It makes me want to strive to be more like you, to be a better person. So keep the ooey gooey lovey stuff comin'!