Monday, March 23, 2009

She might be a Little Furry

but she is MY BABY!!! Very recently someone pointed out that I have never blog about a very important someone in my life. Let me introduce the very thing that brings sunshine into my life all day long. Meet Darla Clementime Timoteo!Please excuse me while I brag like a proud momma does. This little girl has brought so much joy in my life since the first day I met her. Good friends of ours gave her to us. (Thank you Gene and Jeanette)We can never repay them for the joy we experience very day. No matter what kind of day I am having, Darla instantly makes it better. The second that you walk through the door she is there to greet you and jump around. It makes you feel wonderful that someone is so happy to see you.

A few things I love about Darla:

1. when we are saying family prayer, Darla can barely stand it and will put her paw on your face or if you are standing up saying prayer she tries to jump in your arms.

2. When I am cooking dinner, if she thinks that I have forgotten about her, she will give me a little push with her paws on the back of my knees.

3. She eats anything and everything. She eats tomatoes, celery, lettuce, uncooked spaghetti, pickles...I could go on and on. She loves food!!

4. If little gives me a kiss, she gets really excited and tries to give us kisses too.

5. She is so playful. She plays all kinds of games. I love this about her.

6. I swear sometimes she is human. I talk to her all the time. It is almost like she understands. I will say stuff like "where is daddy?" and she will go lay next to Milton.

7. She is so smart. She knows how to sit, lay, shake, go get your ball, fetch, come, and if we tell her to get down she knows what to do.

8. I love that when we go to sleep at night she curles up to me and the fact that she follows me around the house.

9. I love when I go outside, even if it is just a second she cries so loud you can hear her.

I love Darla for some many more reasons. She has several nicknames: Darla Squat, Dar Dar, Muffin...She has truly been a blessing. She is so much a part of our family. When we plan a vacation we only go places we can take her. I hate leaving her at home. I want to leave some pictures of darla, some are baby pictures and others are more recent.


Lisa said...

I WUV DAR DAR!!! You are right, she is human in dog form!! In regard to the pictures, she is saying: 1st picture, "Why are you bothering me?" The picture with Melina, "I Love Kids." The one with her diaper on, "Oh,goodness, I hate this time of the month." Puppy, "I'm gonna get you ball, if it's the last thing I do!"

misti said...

Your dog is precious!! Our dogs are like family too :)