Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Dreams really do come true

Today is the second day of me being a stay at home wife. It is so funny to see people's reaction when I said I was quiting my job. Everyone always responded "Why?" I would just repond by saying "I get to be a stay at home wife." Then I would get the response "Are you pregnant?" If I was pregnant the whole world would know including the president of the United States. I said stay at home wife not mother.

These past two days have felt like a dream. I have not had a bedtime because I do not have a time that I HAVE to wake up. I get to do whatever I decide to do. My first day I stayed in bed and read until 11, then I got up and took a shower. By this point Milton was home and he wanted to go to lunch and to take me to see twilight for the second time at the dollar movie. In between lunch, we went to this decor store that was having a sale and I picked up a picture for my guest bedroom and 3 things that I am I going to work on for a project.

Today I woke up and went to work out. It felt great. Then Milton and I went to Wal-mart to pick up a few things. We came home and I fixed lunch. Then I did our taxes, and now I am writing a blog. I know that these seem like boring details of an ordinary life, but these are things that I have dreamed of. It has been so nice to be able to have the time to enjoy these everyday little things. I am not sure that I will appreciate them as I do now, but I just wanted to say how grateful I am for blessing like these. It is such a blessing to have a husband that is so supportive of my decisions and is able to support those. Milton has woken up everyday telling me how excited he is to have me home. Everytime we have gone to do anything, we has looked in my eyes and said "Isn't it great to have you home?" Make a girl feel good!


Lisa said...

It's wonderful isn't it? The whole not having kids thing isn't so bad is it? You would never be able to stay in bed and read until 11, if you had kids I know that there are some bad things to not having kids, but there is some really really good things too!haha In the not to distant future, however, you will be so busy, that you will wander how you ever worked. People will ask you what you do during the day. You won't be able to answer, but you will say, "I barely had time to get my breath!" In which they will reply, "Doing what?!" Just answer, "I could never divulge such secret information." My least favorite is how everyone ask you to babysit or do extra service, because they think you have nothing to do, or that you couldn't possibly be busy with no kids & only a part-time job. SCREEN YOUR CALLS!!!! Book it out of church when it is over!!

misti said...

Oh my goodness Amanda. I am ashamed to say that I am jealous. Haha! I used to stay at home and I loved it...I miss it. Had a clean house, practiced fancy recipes on my husband, all that good stuff. I wouldn't be surprised if you DO get pregnant because you're relieved from work stress! Seriously! Anyway it sounds like you are enjoying every second! Happy for ya.

Phil and Cami said...

Sigh.....you are one lucky girl. I'm going to pretend that for the next three weeks I never have to go back to work again. Basically, I'll pretend I get to be you. You are just going to love it! And you will be busy...doing things you want and love to do!