Sunday, May 12, 2013

To the Women in my life

As I sit here and type this, it is with guilt ridden feelings because I forgot to send out Mother's day gifts to the women in my life to show acknowledgement and gratitude for their teachings and love.  As Milton and I were laying in bed last night talking about how we forgot to send something because we were so busy, My husband made the comment "It's okay.  They really don't care if they get something." Now he was saying that in regards to the fact that our mothers are not materialistic not to the fact that they are ungrateful.  I responded " Think about all the stuff we did not care about that are mothers still did for us.  Think about all the nights staying up late or hours worked in our behalf that we ourselves did not care about or recognize." My husband responded as all husband should "Your Right!"  So although we do still plan on sending a little something to the women in our lives I wanted to do something today that you could have from me to you.

As everyone knows, our children are adopted and because they were adopted at a later age they are very well aware of the fact that they have another mother in this world.  To make them feel normal, I have told them that I have several mothers in my life and it is this blog post that it is dedicated to them.

To my mother in law:
I thank you for raising a son that is so hard working.  He puts forth 100% effort in all that he does. He is truly a helpmate in all sense of the word and I am grateful to have him as a partner that works right along side me.  I know that is because he had a great mother that taught him the value of work and how to have a clean home.

Thank you for teaching me that not every thing has to be big and it is the little things that count.  This has been a valuable lesson as I have developed into a wife and now a mother.  You taught me to never go anywhere empty handed and always bring a little something.  I truly value that.

Thank you for always taking an interest in Milton's and mine's life.  It is heartwarming to know that you care and want to know what is going on.  That you consistently make contact with Milton and always make the effort to come and see us.

Thank you for loving my children.  Thank you for never making me feel bad that I could not give your son a child on my own. You have never once degraded me for that or made me feel less of a woman but instead worked right along side me to help me fulfill my dream of one day becoming a mother.

I love you for this and more.

To my Jeanie

Thank you for loving my dad.  When anyone is a teenager, they are too self absorbed to look beyond themselves.  As I have grown into a woman and through our conversations I have learned the depth of your love for my dad, for seeing in him more good than bad, and being his number one supporter.

Thank you for never bad mouthing my mother or making feel as if I could not speak to you about her. You were confident enough in your self to not be threatened or take this as anything else than a daughter talking about her mother.  I am working on this and remembering this lesson when my children talk of their birth mother

One of my favorite things about you is your nails. I always remember you having your nails done and most of the time doing them yourself.  I remember being fascinated with the fact that you could do them yourself and make them so flawless.   It has given me a love of being pampered every now and then and painting my nails.

Thank you for all the recipes you taught me.  They are still some of my favorite and are used in my home.

Thank you for our long talks.  I am a big talker and it is flaw that I am working on but you have always been a patient listener. Thank you for never making me feel like I talk too much and always being willing to listen.

Thank you for loving my children.

I love your for this and more.

To my mother

Thank you for always seeing the best in me.  There are things that you love about me that even I did not see in myself.  You make me want to be that person that you see in me.

Thank you for being my biggest cheerleader, my greatest fan, and my dedicated coach throughout my life.  There is no one else that is more invested, more enthralled, more enthusiastic about my life than you.   It feels good to know that I have someone that cares and wants to know the everyday boring details of my life.  I strive to be this in my children's lives.

Thank you for loving my children more than you love me!!  LOL! Thank you for being all that you have been in my life to them in their life.  If something was to happen to me there is peace in knowing that my children will never have a day where they do not know love.

Thank you for teaching me to be independent.  It is one of my greatest assets and I thank you for it.

Thank you for believing in my dreams and never teaching me or making me feel like something could not be accomplished.  You care and support every dream your children have ever had.  You celebrate and dream right along side us and never diminish or damper the dreams that we have.

Thank you for being the type of mother that I could come to about ANYTHING. I was never scared to say anything to you.  You showed that you valued me as a human being, a daughter, and a member of our family more than appearances, popularity, or perfection.  Even when we have said things that as a mother were probably hard to hear.  You always showed concern and love over chastisement and criticism.

I love you for this and more

I wish I could write all the feelings that I feel for these women in my life.  I wish I could show how my heart feels for you. I love each of you for all these things and so much more!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

It's been an extreme privilege to be your mother, pickle! haha Thank you for you kind words. I have a lot of work left to do on myself, but thanks for seeing qualities, that I didn't know were there! I'm proud that you recognize that each person has something to offer & learn from.