Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Warning!!! This is going to be Mushy

So Christmas was fun and fabulous. Christmas always is!! However, I want to dedicate this to my husband and I. On December 27th, 2008, we celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary. It has been five years since we took our eternal wedding vows. I have enjoyed every minute of this roller coaster, even the down times. I just want to share a few pictures. I know you are probably going to go gag. I am so glad that we have had sooooo many adventures together. From living in a tiny little crappy studio apartment to building/owning our first home, from living surrounded by family to living around no one, from going through school having crappy jobs to well still going through school but at least having better, from adopting our little fur baby to hopefully having real babies of our own. I look at how quickly our time has come and gone and it makes me more and more grateful that we get to spend eternity together. It is not very often that I get to express my love for you. I just wantedto leave a few reasons why I love you.

1 You are the hardest worker that I know. I am so proud that I can take you anywhere and you get in there and do the most back breaking work. Even whil I am working and you are working, you still manage to do most of the housework, grocery shopping, all the yard work, and get your Ph.D. You never put it in my face how hard you are busting you butt, you always look at the little things I am doing.

2. You let me be ME!!! Trust me sweety, I know that that is not an easy task. I have a very strong personality and a push and prod until get my way. I think that shows what a strong personality you have. It takes a really strong personality to sit back and let me always have my way. You have inspired so many dreams in me and have never kept me from any of them.

3. You pamper me. I love the fact that you are always trying to make sure that I am taken care of. You are always trying to find new ways to invest and save and make sure we have a secure future. However in the mist of all this you always make sure that I have all my needs and most of my wants. You have never denied me anything. I have had more than I could ever dream of since I have been with you.

4. I love the fact that you take the gospel so seriously. I know there has been times at night where you have had to drag me out of bed to do scripture study and family prayer. You probably felt like you were getting a kid out of bed but you are so forgiving and on top of it. I love the fact that I can depend on you and I to go to church every Sunday and I do not have to worry about convincing you to go. I love the fact that you make sure we are involved in church and go to all the little activities.
I could go on and on. I just want you to know that I love you. I know that 2009 is going to be great for us. I can just feel it!!!

1 comment:

misti said...

Amanda y'all are a precious couple!! Looks like God has really blessed your marriage. Happy anniversary!