Sunday, February 19, 2012

First day of School

On August 22 Millie went to her first day of Preschool and Tesi went to her first day of 1st grade.   I always remembered I loved the first day of school. I loved picking out my clothes and getting all my school stuff ready in my new book bag.  The girls had a fashion show of all their new clothes the night before so we could pick out the best outfit for them.  They had so much fun as did mom and me! I know I am pretty biased but I just think my girls are so beautiful!  So us adults (mom, me, and milton) woke up really excited.  We cooked a special breakfast and had a mini photo shoot curtsies of my mom.  We just cracked up because you can tell who is a morning person and who is not based on some of the pictures.  My mom had a slide show up on her facebook.  I am not going to share all of pictures she did because there are too many.  I will share my favorites though. One of my favorite memories of this day was when the girls came home.  Tesi was kind of sad because she said that no one talked or played with her.  We discussed with her that she needed to introduce herself to other kids and ask them to play.  Then I turned to Millie and asked if she made any friends.  Millie responded " I was going to but I changed my mind." LOL!!


Sarah said...

You do have two very beautiful girls and one handsome little boy. I love the picture of them holding hands and walking to school. So sweet!

misti said...

Your kids are gorgeous. Love the "morning face" picture haha!