Wednesday, April 21, 2010


So there has been a lot of changes here in the Timoteo household. Out with the old and in with the new. I have been slowly working on remodeling some of the rooms in my home. My house is no where near where I want it to be but it is a work in progress. I still have a ton of ideas. Sometimes it is frustrating because I think I have got a room closer to what I want it to be but then I see a million different things I want to change and add. However, the best way to see the improvement is to see the before and then the after. I will give this disclaimer.....I am not a great photographer. I have a great camera and everything. It is just the operator. So I am sure that if someone else took it they would look like martha stewart up in my house.
So I present "Changes"




After (this is still very much a work in progress)

Before. ( I have a few things I want to tweak)


This is the last thing that I have been working on. We bought this dresser on Craigslist for $60. I finally refinished it. I learned alot and if I ever refinish anything again there are a few things I would different. I hope to do a blog on here about how I did. The pictures of the after did not turn out how I want, but you can at least see the difference.



After close up


Lisa said...

OH MY STINKIN' HECK!!! Great job Amanda!! I am so proud of you! It all looks really really great!! I love it all! I can't even pick out my favorite. I am so glad that you posted it, so I can see the difference.

Kari Anne said...

LOVE the color schemes!!

Hey - thanks for stopping by my blog!

misti said...

Girl, you are GOOD! Hgtv watcher? Haha you should go work for them! :)

Vanessa said...

i LOVE the first room...I'll come live in that one! :) great job. refinishing is a lot of work!

sarah said...

So, how much would you charge for a design consult?

Great work lady!

Mary Martha said...

way to go! that is quite the house. what typ eof camera do you use? it is fun to have tha hobby on the side. I am trying to learn myself. hopw yall are well. cute house!