So I have a riddle. What do people do when they don't have kids and it is 10:30 at night?

So I finally aroused myself at 10:00 a.m. this morning so that I could go lay on the couch until 11 so I could follow up that with taking an hour before I went to the gym. I consider my time at the gym, charity work. My presences alone drives up sales and keeps people health concious so they don't become couch potatoes and look like me. I finally decided....Amanda, you need to get your lazy butt up and do some work or run some errands. So I drive the long (not really) drive to Target for the tedious task of shopping for bedding. I know, I know. Most of you are thinking to yourselves..."Thank goodness I get to slave away at work, come home to cook dinner and clean. I would never want the grusome chores that Amanda has to do."
I finally return home to prepare the hubby and I lunch around 2 in the afternoon. (for those of you that do not know, Milton has a flexible schedule where he can make his own hours and come home for lunch) Apparently, this tuckers us out because we then proceed to retire to the guest bedroom so we can watch a movie and play on facebook.
An hour later, Milton is out the door for class and work. Around 4:00 in the afternoon I decide that it is now time to take a shower. After this I am on facebook once again to only be put to shame by all the wonderful wives out there that are REALLY cooking and cleaning and do homework with their kids and paying bills. I am reading status like this ..."Jane Smith is glad that she can finally rest after getting up at six this morning to milk the cows for homemade waffles, get the kids off to school, clean all the bathrooms with a toothbrush until they gleam, drop off a casserole for the lady in our church who just had twins, sew all the kids costumes for the school play, do ten loads of laundry(washing, drying, folding, ironing, and putting them away), make after school snakes that look like butterflies using nothing but healthy stuff, pick vegatables from the garden for dinner made from scratch, difuse a bomb, read "War and Peace,"bake my hubby's favorite dessert, help the kids with homework, save a kitten from a tree, bath the children, massage my hubby's neck, and now I am sitting on the couch knitting a sweater for the charity auction next week." or basically something to that a effect. My first thought is "I wonder if I can hire these people?" followed by "Amanda, stop being lazy!!! Get to work!!!" So I did what any self respecting woman would do at 6:00 at night after realizing she is a lazy wife....."I loaded the dishwasher!
You are hilarious! If my friends has status updates like that...I'd get new friends! haha
Hahaha! Love it!!
Are you trying to bust out my stitches?! Was it not enough with the "bottom" is a cussword story,, now you had to go and do this? Will the torture never end?! Great...there one goes...full busted stitch! Are you happy now! By the way....the "OTHERS" facebook status you wrote about, sounded an awful lot like the itinerary you kept over here, helping your mother recup after surgery!
"read War and Peace" - HAHAHAHA!
You seriously crack me up!!!! I love it!
You are a girl after my own heart...
Love it!
I was just giggling along until I got to "diffuse a bomb" HAHAHAHAHA!!
I wonder if that means unclog a toilet? It might in my house! HAHAHA!!
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